Yesterday I turned the big 2-7. So not a milestone, but I think I like that number. Some dread getting older, but I love birthdays...everyone is especially nice to you. I didn't really make any New Year's resolutions, so I decided to make a birthday resolution instead: do something each day that is just for me. So selfish, right? :) Mostly, I just want to motivate myself to work on this blog, create, do projects around my house...things that I love that I can share with others. So it's really not that selfish after all. And, if I follow through with it, I will have more blog material. Perfect.
So, I started with my blog header. I've been trying to teach myself how to use PhotoShop, clearly I still have lots to learn, but it is a really frustrating fun program to play around with. I love my old one (thanks, Allison!) but this blog is morphing from wedding planning/design to design in general, which I love. I guarentee it will change again, I am one indecisive young lady.
Did I mention I'm taking my first European vaca this summer? Yes, it's really happening. The flights and hostels/hotels are booked, but it still doesn't feel real. Can't tell you how lucky I feel, knowing that I get to see sites like this with my own two eyeballs...
Love the new header! Super modern and sleek... I love it. AND so jealous of your European vaca!! Going to be amazing.. Looking forward to your new projects.. you inspire me lovely! :) ~LaNaya~
I heart weddings, design, seafood, wine, margaritas and decorating our home. I live with my sweet husband and our cute little pup in the college town where we met at a bar, or frat party, depending on who you ask :)
Love the new header! Super modern and sleek... I love it. AND so jealous of your European vaca!! Going to be amazing.. Looking forward to your new projects.. you inspire me lovely! :)
Awe you are so sweet girl! That just made my night, it makes me so happy to know you enjoy reading :)
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