I know this is not wedding related, but I'm in crisis here people. I need your thoughts on ceiling fans, and I need them now. Do you think they're an eye sore? Does it matter considering their utility? What do you think? I know that these are big grown-up issues, but my indecisiveness is taking over my life in a big way. I need to decide pronto if I want to have one of these monsters in our master bedroom, and possibly the guest room. Thoughts???
For your consideration, the exact model of debate:
Love it or hate it?
UPDATE: It's a no-go on the fan, friends. The reason is two fold....
1) Our ceiling in the bedroom is just not high enough, I feel like it would take over the room, like a helicopter coming in for landing.
2) I just realized I refered to ceiling fans as "monsters" earlier in this post, which should have been some insight into how I was really feeling about them. Done and done.