Monday, March 21, 2011

You know it's baseball season when... get one post a month out of me! That's right kids, baseball season is in full swing - lame pun intended - and I am a busy little bee. I haven't had a day off since sometime in early February, but I'm loving every minute of it! I'm traveling a ton and getting to know the state of California on a whole new level, speaking of, could you Californian's order some sun?! That's why we come to visit you! I'll be back again on Wednesday so go ahead and take care of it by then,  please and thank you.

Anyway, while the job is a blast, I have had some serious design cravings over the past few weeks. For example... it was a Thursday. We had returned home from a trip the previous Sunday, and I had been working furiously in the office preparing for the next go around. At approximately 1:30 p.m., I had this vision of our master bedroom in a darker paint color... and I could not shake it. Seriously. I wasn't getting any work done because I couldn't stop thinking about the perfect taupe-gray-with subtle hints of brown that needed to be on my wall right that instant. So I acted very professionally/rationally and waited to go home until my work was done...

OK fine, no I didn't. I packed up my things, strutted to the parking lot, headed straight to the paint store, made a bee line home and slapped 3 different shades up on my bedroom wall...and none of them were freaking right. I have been very upset about this since last Thursday. But I realized about an hour ago that I probably shouldn't pick a paint color before I pick fabric for the headboard anyway, so I ordered some swatches...about 15 minutes ago. This impulsive behavior is not normal for me! The cravings are taking over. Anyway, here's what I purchased:



kamala kilim


spicer hvy basket

villa medici

I can't wait for them to show up! All are from Lewis & Sharon Textile Co. I'll post some pics when they get here, but you might have to wait another month...fair warning ;)

1 comment:

Sally said...

Ahhh!!! How will you pick?! They're all gorgeous! :) Can't wait to see the finished product!